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Science and Faith

The interaction between Christian faith and science is one of the most discussed subjects among both scientists and theologians and an important topic in Christian apologetics. This research guide explores various Christian approaches to this matter.

About This Guide

Since the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species in 1859, the relationship between science and faith has been front and center in many biblical, theological, and historical discussions. This research guide links to resources that explore this relationship and supplements the SES special library collection, the Philip E. Johnson Collection on Science and Faith, donated to the Seminary by the late Philip Johnson. This guide assumes the validity of the Christian faith and the resources listed describe the different perspectives affirmed within the theological and scientific communities.

This guide does not pursue specific subjects debated by the two sides, but only explores the ways that Christians have thought about science and is designed for students and others who want a "lay of the land" before going deeper into various apologetic arguments.