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Introduction to Apologetics

Christian Apologetics has a long tradition in the history of Christianity. Its goal is the defense of the truthfulness of the Christian faith and its key teachings. This guide offers a general introduction to Christian apologetics and describes various ap


Apologetics is the branch of Christian theology that involves the intellectual defense of the Christian faith and articulates reasons for believing the core teaching of Christianity. Evangelical apologetics focuses on Holy Scripture as its source of authority and is framed by the Trinitarian theology of the Nicene/Constantinople Creed (AD325; AD381). This makes evangelical approaches to apologetics different from other branches of Christianity like Roman Catholicism where apologetics is done with two sources of authority: Church Tradition and Scripture. 

Evangelical apologetics can take different forms including evidential, presuppositional, and experiential. Southern Evangelical Seminary practices a distinct form of evidential apologetics that uses the philosophical theology of Thomas Aquinas to argue that Holy Scripture is inerrant truth and reliable in all of its teaching. See the separate libguides for philosophy, Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, and Norman Geisler for specialized resources in these research areas.

This research guide offers links to books, dictionaries and encyclopedias, journals, and websites related to the study of apologetics. The library staff regularly updates this guide with new resources in the study of apologetics.